Hunt Backcountry Podcast 167 | Bow Hiker to Elk Killer

After being a self-proclaimed "bow hiker" for 5 years, our guest filled his first archery elk tag. What made the difference? What can you learn from his story to help you spend less time as a "bow hiker" and increase your odds at filling more tags?

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164 | I pushed SOS on my InReach. Here is what happened...

What happens if you are miles-deep in the backcountry and suffer a serious injury? Hopefully, you have some method of reliable communication to call for help. If you do, what happens after you "push the button"? We are joined by Martin Fox to hear his story of pushing SOS on his Garmin InReach device...

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Hunt Backcountry Podcast 158 | Expand Your Season, Expand Your Skills

Don't wait until September to start hunting. Explore the opportunities in all seasons throughout the year and you will grow and learn as a hunter. Yes, hunting small game can, and will, make you a better big game hunter. Our guest in this episode, Levi Sim, shares his journey and the lessons he has learned...

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Hunt Backcountry Podcast 157 | Rookie Success on an Out-of-State Coues Adventure

Two buddies set out to hunt a new species in a new state, and in a new way. The did some things right, and quite a few things wrong. They learned, they laughed, and they filled a tag. Is there anything better? How did they research this hunt? How did they get tags? How did they scout?

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