Hunt Backcountry Podcast 056 | Hunting from Hollywood with Wes Siler

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Wes Siler has been called a "Professional Wildman" that made a living testing motorcycles and fast cars. As a writer, Wes has been published in Wired, GQ, Rolling Stone, Jalopnik, and Playboy.

So what in the world is he doing on our hunting podcast?

Good question. Obviously, Wes is also a hunter. Hailing from Hollywood, he is a hunter that is surrounded by those that don't understand hunting, don't support it, and clearly don't participate in it themselves. Wes has found, though, that many people are open to hunting once they understand it better. And Wes is a great voice to help non-hunters understand hunting; we talk a bit about that in this episode. Of course, we also hear about some of Wes' own hunting adventures — including why he almost had to cancel one of his own hunting trips during the whole Cecil the Lion fiasco. We also hear about the important lessons that Wes learned during his own journey of becoming a big game hunter.

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