If you are completely new to backpack hunting, you are probably overwhelmed with what you need, where you can go, and how to get started. In this article, we explain the first steps that beginning backpack hunters need to take.
We had been sitting on the hillside for over 9 hours. Daylight would be fading soon enough, and our hopes of seeing the bull this evening were fading even quicker. Cows began to feed out of the timber patch across the canyon. Eventually, the bull did as well. I set up for the shot. It was a far shot, but one that I had thought about, planned for, rehearsed, and dry-fired all day. And the conditions were perfect. My bullet found its mark, and I watched the bull drop through my rifle’s scope. By the time we dropped to the...
What were the most downloaded episodes of the Hunt Backcountry Podcast in 2024? You asked, and we're answering. Make sure you don't miss these episodes...
Cody received his Exo pack in 2018 as a wedding gift from his wife. Now, 7 years later, he has used it to pack out 20+ animals and it is still going strong. This is one example, of many, that shows how we build our packs to last.