Hunt Backcountry Podcast MM 246 | Following Fads, Breaking Gun Safety Rules, & New Year Reflection

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Steve & Mark answer listener-submitted questions on this Monday Minute podcast episode. They discuss Steve's experience with the "fad" of ice baths, the pros and cons of attaching your bino harness to your backpack, the 4 Rules of Gun Safety and when they are broken while hunting, and more...

Links for this episode...
- Podcast Feedback Form (& Givewaway):
- FHF Gear Pack Suspension Kit:
- Marsupial Gear Pack Strap Kit:
- 4 Rules of Gun Safety:…of-firearm-safety/


We love hearing from listeners and answering their questions on future podcast episodes. If you have a question about the episode above, or other questions on hunting tactics and strategies, gear, Exo products, or anything else related to backcountry hunting, send us an email with your question or use your device to leave us a voice message below...

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