Welcome to The First Monday. In these episodes, Steve & Mark talk through what's going on for them that month in the categories of The Gear, The Hunt, and the Hunter, as well as what's going on with Exo Mtn Gear. If you want an unfiltered, behind-the-scenes look at what we are doing, researching, and learning, or just what we are excited about, this is it.
In addition to that, we also answer listener questions about a new pack from Exo in 2025, how to choose a temperature rating for your sleep system, and what gaiters we recommend.
Links for this episode...
- The Experience Project HUNT Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxCisjM16JQUuY7xWQLdExN_rAHTxEsvv
- Subscribe to Exo Mtn Gear on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ExoMountainGear?sub_confirmation=1
- K3 Re-Stock: https://exomtngear.com/k3
- Hunt Expo: https://huntexpo.com/
- Pacific NW Sportsmen's Show: https://www.thesportshows.com/shows/pacific-northwest/
- Kahtoola Gaiters: https://kahtoola.com/shop/gaiters/
- PEAX Gaiters: https://www.peaxequipment.com/products/storm-castle-gaiter
- OR Crocodile Gaiters: https://amzn.to/410n0EX
We love hearing from listeners and answering their questions on future podcast episodes. If you have a question about the episode above, or other questions on hunting tactics and strategies, gear, Exo products, or anything else related to backcountry hunting, send us an email with your question or use your device to leave us a voice message below...