As we wrap up 2023 we wanted to look back over the year and highlight our best-selling Exo products, the most listened-to Hunt Backcountry Podcast episodes, and the most-watched videos on our YouTube channel. These aren’t our hand-picked favorites, these are your favorites, based on the data...
All Exo Pack Systems feature the adjustability you need to fit your unique body shape and size. In this article we will take a look at several photos from real Exo customers and highlight the areas where their pack was adjusted improperly or could be improved upon for optimal fit, performance, and comfort.
What gear does Mark bring for a backpack rifle elk and mule deer hunt in October? What are his "must have" items and what are some of the "only if" items that he packs based on the forecasted conditions? See Mark's complete gear list and download his spreadsheet template to help you prepare for your own hunts...
Our K4 Pack Systems are incredibly easy to use. But when we get questions about something being "not right", we notice that it is related to one of three mistakes that are being made. Let's look at how to avoid and correct these mistakes, so that you can have the best experience possible with your K4 Pack System.