Hunt Backcountry Podcast 509 | 3-For-3 On Mule Deer Hunt in Montana (A Father & Sons' Listener Story)

Cody joins us to share the story of the Mule Deer hunt that he shared with his brother and father this past fall. They hunted Montana for the first time and were able to go 3-for-3 on filling their tags. We discuss their strategy for planning and scouting, how they battled cold conditions, and how the success happened.

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Hunt Backcountry Podcast 507 | A 10-Year-Old's Backpack Mule Deer Hunt

Colt and his 10-year-old daughter, Cedar, join us on The Hunt Backcountry Podcast to share the story of their backpack mule deer hunt from this past fall. This was Cedar's first backpack hunt, and it was a joy to hear her share her experience, what she enjoyed about the hunt, what she learned, and more.

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Hunt Backcountry Podcast 506 | 20 Days of New Elk Hunting Lessons

Luke joins us to share what he learned as he spent 20+ days pursuing elk in the mountains outside his home. We discuss what he observed before the season, how elk behavior changed after opening day, what he noticed about elk vocalization throughout September, and how his rifle season compared to his archery season.

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Hunt Backcountry Podcast 503 | The Dangers of Lead Ammunition — Facts, Fairy Tales, and Nuance In-Between

Is there a real danger in eating meat from game that was killed with lead ammunition? Depending on who you ask, the answer will vary greatly. In this episode, we speak with Jim Heffelfinger, to help separate fact, fiction, and fairy tales, as it relates to the dangers of using lead-based bullets for big game hunting.

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