Exo Journal — Mindset

Mark Huelsing
Life-Changing Lessons from The Exo Death Hike

Life-Changing Lessons from The Exo Death Hike

The phrase “life changing” is cliché, but that is the only way I know how to describe what it has been like to participate in the Exo Death Hike over the years. If I had not participated in these events, I would not be the man that I am today. Here are the 6 biggest lessons I have learned in 6 Death Hikes...

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Mark Huelsing
Wandering Bow-Hiker to Successful Bowhunter — 5 Things You Need To Do

Wandering Bow-Hiker to Successful Bowhunter — 5 Things You Need To Do

The challenges of bowhunting can lead one to doubt. If you're in a slump and struggling to fill your tag, it may feel like you're doing nothing more than taking your bow on nature walks. I have been there before and I know what that feels like. Here is how I battled my way back to becoming a successful bow hunter...

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Mark Huelsing
Going on Hunts Just to Help — Is It Worth Your Time When You Don't Have a Tag?

Going on Hunts Just to Help — Is It Worth Your Time When You Don't Have a Tag?

Should you sacrifice time where you could be hunting for yourself to go on a friend's hunt with him? I mean, with time being such a valuable commodity for most of us, are there good reasons (other than being a nice guy) to dedicate some of your time in the field to help your buddies? I would argue an emphatic "yes" to that question, and in no particular order, here are some of my reasons for saying so…

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Mark Huelsing
Bowhunting Is A Long, Hard Road. Embrace The Challenge.

Bowhunting Is A Long, Hard Road. Embrace The Challenge.

Bowhunting is an art. You can't expect to pick up a brush for the first time and paint the Mona Lisa. Stick figures are more like it. As a newer bowhunter, you're going to fail most of the time — and that's ok. After a rough start, you just need a lot of persistence and patience, and you'll make things happen...

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