Hunt Backcountry Podcast Archive — Scouting
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 293 | All About Glassing — Optics Gear, Strategies, and Skills
As a hunter, guide, and experienced professional in the optics industry, JD Ponciano has both intimate knowledge of glassing gear, as well as extensive first-hand knowledge of putting optics to use in the field. We speak with JD about optics selection, glassing strategies, tripods, optics accessories, and much more.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 287 | Scouting for Success with Justin Crossley
Justin Crossley joins us to talk about his scouting strategy for out-of-state hunts. We talk about e-scouting, how to plan a scouting trip to a new area, how to make the best use of time, glassing strategies, and much more. No matter what species you're hunting, you will certainly learn something from this episode.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 234 | How to Hunt Mule Deer - Locating
We continue our How to Hunt Mule Deer series with this in-depth episode on LOCATING mule deer. Our guest, Dioni Amuchastegui, is a friend and dedicated mule deer hunter in Idaho. Dioni has spent a lot of time studying, observing, and hunting mule deer.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 233 | How to Hunt Mule Deer - Scouting
We continue our How to Hunt Mule Deer series with this in-depth episode on SCOUTING for mule deer. Our guest, Jason Wright, is a friend and muley addict. Jason has a knack for finding good deer country and has spent countless hours scouting for mule deer.
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