Hunt Backcountry Podcast Archive — Hunt Planning
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 509 | 3-For-3 On Mule Deer Hunt in Montana (A Father & Sons' Listener Story)
Cody joins us to share the story of the Mule Deer hunt that he shared with his brother and father this past fall. They hunted Montana for the first time and were able to go 3-for-3 on filling their tags. We discuss their strategy for planning and scouting, how they battled cold conditions, and how the success happened.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 505 | Rocky Mountain Big Game Recovery
Scott Gillespie of Rocky Mountain Big Game Recovery joins us to discuss the use of tracking dogs to help hunters recover big game animals in the Rocky Mountain West. We discuss how hunters can find a tracking team. When to contact a team. What it costs to have a tracking team help recover an animal. And much more.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 504 | DIY Elk Lessons, Failures & Success (A Listener Story)
Our guest for this episode, Brian, is an everyday hunter with many years of do-it-yourself, non-resident elk hunting experience. With a success rate that is higher than the average, we wanted to speak with him and cover lessons learned, mistakes made, and successes achieved in his elk hunting journey over the years.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 497 | Drop Camp Caribou Hunt in Alaska (A Listener Story)
Jared and Cody join us on The Hunt Backcountry Podcast to share the story of their experience planning, preparing for, and then going on a drop-camp Caribou hunt in the Brooks Range of Alaska. They discuss how they dealt with setbacks, how they successfully filled all of their tags, and what lessons they learned.

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