Hunt Backcountry Podcast 509 | 3-For-3 On Mule Deer Hunt in Montana (A Father & Sons' Listener Story)

Cody joins us to share the story of the Mule Deer hunt that he shared with his brother and father this past fall. They hunted Montana for the first time and were able to go 3-for-3 on filling their tags. We discuss their strategy for planning and scouting, how they battled cold conditions, and how the success happened.

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Hunt Backcountry Podcast 507 | A 10-Year-Old's Backpack Mule Deer Hunt

Colt and his 10-year-old daughter, Cedar, join us on The Hunt Backcountry Podcast to share the story of their backpack mule deer hunt from this past fall. This was Cedar's first backpack hunt, and it was a joy to hear her share her experience, what she enjoyed about the hunt, what she learned, and more.

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Hunt Backcountry Podcast 505 | Rocky Mountain Big Game Recovery

Scott Gillespie of Rocky Mountain Big Game Recovery joins us to discuss the use of tracking dogs to help hunters recover big game animals in the Rocky Mountain West. We discuss how hunters can find a tracking team. When to contact a team. What it costs to have a tracking team help recover an animal. And much more.

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Hunt Backcountry Podcast 502 | Hunting Is What You Make It (with Trevor Thompson)

Trevor Thompson joins us on the Hunt Backcountry Podcast to share his experience getting into hunting and traditional archery, his journey of becoming an assistant guide in Alaska, and how his prior experiences as a SEAL, skydiver, base jumper, and backcountry skier relate to his hunting pursuits.

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