Exo Journal — Backpacking

Mark Huelsing
Post-Hunt: Archery Elk in Colorado — Lessons Learned, Gear Highlights, and More...

Post-Hunt: Archery Elk in Colorado — Lessons Learned, Gear Highlights, and More...

Fresh off of an archery elk hunt in Colorado, Mark shares the notes he made during the hunt about the events experienced, lessons learned, and thoughts encountered throughout the hunt. He also shares his gear highlights, full gear list, and info on making DIY dehydrated meals for backpack hunts...

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Mark Huelsing
Boring Backpack Foods & The Importance of Variety Over Perfection

Boring Backpack Foods & The Importance of Variety Over Perfection

It isn't enough to have the right amount of calories or the perfect macros for your next backpack hunt. If you fail to consider the psychological impact of food, you will be vulnerable to a problem where we have the calories we need in our packs, but can’t actually consume the foods as we should. Let's fix that...

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Mark Huelsing
10 Day Dall Sheep Hunt Gear List — What's In My Pack?

10 Day Dall Sheep Hunt Gear List — What's In My Pack?

Just hours before leaving for Alaska, Steve Speck shares the full gear list he is packing for his 10-day backpack Dall Sheep hunt. Steve is using the Exo Mtn Gear K3 3200 Pack System for this hunt and has a total pack weight of 43 pounds. Watch Steve go through every item in this "What's In My Pack?" video...

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Mark Huelsing
Plan for Performance in the Backcountry

Plan for Performance in the Backcountry

Anyone going on a backpack hunt does some level of planning and preparation. Most hunters do some hiking, practice with their weapon, pack some gear, grab some food and go hunt. That’s general planning and preparation. It’s average. But if you want to have the best experience possible, you need to plan for performance. Here are some tips to get you started...

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