Hunt Backcountry Podcast Archive — Stalking
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 235 | How to Hunt Mule Deer - Stalking
We continue our How to Hunt Mule Deer series with this in-depth episode on STALKING mule deer. Our guest, South Cox, is a very experienced mule deer hunter that specializes in chasing high country deer with stick-and-string. South has spent years hunting mule deer with spot-and-stalk tactics.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 171 | Ryan Lampers on Elk Mistakes, High Country Bucks, and Gear That Matters
We are glad to have Ryan Lampers join us again on the podcast. This conversation with Ryan covers quite a few topics, including why most new elk hunters struggle to find success, how to effectively stalk high country mule deer, and what gear truly helps him hunt more effectively, and so much more.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 102 | Stealth, Stalking, and Shooting Lessons from a Special Operator
Our guest for this episode, Eddie Edmondson, is a 20+ year veteran of Special Operations in the United States military. Eddie continues to work as a trainer and shooting instructor, while also pursuing his passion of big game hunting. Eddie's combined experience in the military and in hunting endeavors has given him...
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 025 | Ground Hunting Strategies with ASAT’s Ben Guttormson — Part 2
This is Part 2 of our discussion with ASAT’s Ben Guttormson. Ben spends countless days in the field hunting numerous species each year. We continue to speak with Ben about specific strategies and tips for hunting from the ground — stalking, cover, concealment, movement principles, reading animal behavior, and more.

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