Hunt Backcountry Podcast Archive — Mindset
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 502 | Hunting Is What You Make It (with Trevor Thompson)
Trevor Thompson joins us on the Hunt Backcountry Podcast to share his experience getting into hunting and traditional archery, his journey of becoming an assistant guide in Alaska, and how his prior experiences as a SEAL, skydiver, base jumper, and backcountry skier relate to his hunting pursuits.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 501 | Long Range Shooting to Archery Elk with Stephen Follett of LSWild
Sneaking in on two bull elk that are fighting, then arrowing one of those bulls on your first-ever bowhunt? That sounds too good to be true, but that is exactly how Stephen Follett's first archery hunt concluded this fall. Stephen joins us to share that story and the lessons he learned on his first-ever archery hunt.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 499 | 100-Miles Solo in Grizzly Country with Tayson Whittaker of Outdoor Vitals
Founder of Outdoor Vitals, Tayson Whittaker, joins us on the Hunt Backcountry Podcast to discuss his 100-mile solo hike in the Wind River Range of Wyoming. We discuss the mistakes he made on this trip, stories from his hunts this fall, the "ultralight" sacrifices he makes, changes in the outdoor industry, and more.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 477 | How to Thrive on Difficult Hunts (with Ben Reynolds) — The Experience Project
Ben Reynolds returns to the Hunt Backcountry Podcast, joining Steve & Mark to discuss the topic of thriving (not just surviving) on difficult hunts. This is an open-ended conversation on the topic of thriving, which includes practical advice, personal experience, and even some philosophical perspective.

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