Hunt Backcountry Podcast Archive — Stalking
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 403 | Partner Tactics & Communication for Effective Elk Hunting
If you hunt elk with a partner, the success of your hunt will be influenced by your ability to work well as a team. And communication is the key to working well together. But how do you communicate when you can't speak leading up to, or during, an encounter with elk? This podcast will answer that question.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 319 | Tracking Big Woods Bucks with Hal Blood
Our guest for this podcast episode is Hal Blood — legendary deer tracker from the "Big Woods" of Maine. No matter what species you are hunting, or where you may be attempting to track them, this podcast episode will give you tracking tips, lessons in animal behavior, and much more.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 308 | Post Hunt: High Country Archery Mule Deer with Josh Kirchner
Join us for an unscripted conversation with Josh Kirchner (@dialedinhunter) about Josh's recent weeklong high country archery mule deer hunt in Utah. You'll hear the highs and lows of the story, the lessons learned, the perspective of bringing along someone that is new to high country mule deer hunting, and much more.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 282 | Nick Sabo on Stalking Mule Deer, Shooting in the Wind, and Lessons from Old-Timers
Nick Sabo (@nsabo380) is a veteran, firefighter, and well-rounded hunter and shooter. We speak with Nick about a variety of topics, including what he learned from an old-time hunter in Alaska, how he hunts big Mule Deer bucks in the Dakotas, how he shoots effectively in the wind, and much more.

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