Top Episodes of 2024 — The Hunt Backcountry Podcast

Top Episodes of 2024 — The Hunt Backcountry Podcast

At the beginning of last year, we shared our "Top 5 of 2023" list, which looked at the most popular products from Exo, the most downloaded episodes of The Hunt Backcountry Podcast, and the most watched videos on our YouTube channel.

To be completely honest, we have been so busy in the first part of 2025 that we haven't prioritized making the "Best of 2024" list. But a listener of the podcast, Cody, recently emailed us and said...

"I would love it if you could share the top 5 most listened-to episodes of the year in 2024, so that we can go back and listen to them if we haven't heard them yet."

Well, Cody, we're happy to do that for you!

The 3 Most Popular Podcasts of 2024

We're grouping to top 3 episodes together, as they are all with one guest and centered around one subject.

Our 3-part series with "Form" on the topic of "Why Smaller Calibers May Be Better for Big Game Hunting" were the 3 most listened to episodes in 2024.

This series was incredibly informative... and controversial.

If you haven't listened to ALL of it, we would highly suggest starting from the beginning. We will like to each of these episodes at The Experience Project website, where you can find the podcast conversation, a summary of key concepts for each episodes, and links to additional resources...

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (Q&A)

The 4th Most Downloaded Episode

Dr. Andy Galpin joined us for a podcast conversation on "Hunting & Human Performance". This was a fascinating conversation that looked at the health benefits of extended trips into the backcountry.

We also discussed training, nutrition, and supplementation strategies for hunting at higher elevations, how to prioritize endurance vs strength, why increasing your VO2 Max is one of the best things you can do for both performance and longevity, how to know if the metrics from wearable devices (such as smartwatches) are reliable and beneficial, and more...

Hunting & Human Performance with Dr. Andy Galpin

In 5th Place (And Beyond...)

Next in our list of most downloaded podcasts in 2024 begins with a series that featured conversations with Fish & Game agencies from numerous western states — specifically those states that provided reasonable big game opportunities for non-residents. We had episodes with Arizona, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Wyoming, and yes, Colorado...

Colorado Parks & Wildlife (Your Questions, Misconceptions, and More...)

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