Hunt Backcountry Podcast 429 | Our Rifle Elk (and Deer) Hunt Recap
Steve & Mark recap their recent rifle elk and deer hunt in Idaho. They had some struggles, found some success, and encountered some things that gave them new experiences. They share the story, what they learned, what they did right/wrong, and share some thoughts on stand-out gear from the trip.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 425 | Hunting Parnerships — How & Why to Forge Them
This conversation was originally recorded for The Lifetime Athlete Podcast, hosted by John Zombro. Mark and Steve joined John on his podcast to discuss hunting partnerships — how they are formed, how they are kept, and why they are so valuable for the backcountry hunter.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 424 | Mark's Sheep Hunt Story
Mark is back from Alaska, having completed his backpack Dall Sheep hunt with his friend and guide, Mark Rowenhorst of Limitless Alaska Guiding. Mark joins Steve to tell the story of the hunt, which included a lot of challenges, setbacks, and eventual success.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 409 | 2023 Death Hike Recap
Steve & Mark are joined by four participants of the 2023 Death Hike to share their stories, experiences, and lessons learned from an adventure that was unlike any other.

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