Hunt Backcountry Podcast Archive — Alaska
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 502 | Hunting Is What You Make It (with Trevor Thompson)
Trevor Thompson joins us on the Hunt Backcountry Podcast to share his experience getting into hunting and traditional archery, his journey of becoming an assistant guide in Alaska, and how his prior experiences as a SEAL, skydiver, base jumper, and backcountry skier relate to his hunting pursuits.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 497 | Drop Camp Caribou Hunt in Alaska (A Listener Story)
Jared and Cody join us on The Hunt Backcountry Podcast to share the story of their experience planning, preparing for, and then going on a drop-camp Caribou hunt in the Brooks Range of Alaska. They discuss how they dealt with setbacks, how they successfully filled all of their tags, and what lessons they learned.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 496 | How We Killed 2 Mountain Goats in Alaska — The Experience Project
This podcast was recorded on our Alaska mountain goat hunt, as we sat in the basecamp cabin after the hunt. Mark and Jake discuss how they each killed their goats, the logistical challenges of the hunt, how they handled adverse weather, how they slipped their way through a snowy and heavy packout, and much more.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 494 | Live & Unscripted in Alaska Moose Camp — The Experience Project
This unscripted conversation was recorded on our Alaska moose hunt. Steve, Tyler, Dan & Justin have a wide-ranging conversation that covers missing home while on the hunt, lessons and adventures from Death Hikes, terrain challenges on this moose hunt, future hunt plans and dream hunts, grizzly bears, and more...

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