Hunt Backcountry Podcast Archive — The Experience Project
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 492 | Planning our Alaska Mountain Goat Hunt — The Experience Project
Join Steve, Mark, and Mark Rowenhorst of Limitless Alaska Guiding as they have a planning call for their upcoming Mountain Goat Hunt in Alaska. This is an unscripted, "behind the scenes" look at how they are planning their hunt, determining a hunting strategy, selecting gear, and more.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 490 | Our Experience Packrafting for Hunts in Alaska — The Experience Project
Join Steve and Mark as they recap their experience using packrafts on their recent Caribou hunt. They discuss their preparation with the rafts, the conditions of the river they floated, how they loaded the rafts with Caribou and gear, how the packrafts handled the swift water, and more...
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 489 | Our Experience Flying for Hunts in Alaska — The Experience Project
Join Steve and Mark as they recap their experience flying for their recent Caribou hunt. They discuss the commercial flights on Alaska Airlines, as well as their air charter flight into and out of the mountains. They share tips hunters should know for flying in AK, how they flew home with meat and antlers, and more...
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 488 | How We Killed 4 Big Caribou in Alaska — The Experience Project
This podcast was recorded on our Alaska caribou hunt, as we spent a day stuck in camp due to a flooded river. Steve, Mark, Justin, & Jeff discuss how they each killed a caribou bull in the days before this conversation. They detail how each encounter happened, what they did right, and what they did wrong.

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