Hunt Backcountry Podcast Archive — Caribou
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 497 | Drop Camp Caribou Hunt in Alaska (A Listener Story)
Jared and Cody join us on The Hunt Backcountry Podcast to share the story of their experience planning, preparing for, and then going on a drop-camp Caribou hunt in the Brooks Range of Alaska. They discuss how they dealt with setbacks, how they successfully filled all of their tags, and what lessons they learned.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 488 | How We Killed 4 Big Caribou in Alaska — The Experience Project
This podcast was recorded on our Alaska caribou hunt, as we spent a day stuck in camp due to a flooded river. Steve, Mark, Justin, & Jeff discuss how they each killed a caribou bull in the days before this conversation. They detail how each encounter happened, what they did right, and what they did wrong.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 473 — Using Packrafts for Hunting (What You Need to Know) — The Experience Project
Thor Tingey of Alpack Raft joins us on the Hunt Backcountry Podcast to discuss how to select a pack raft for hunting, what to know about using a packraft, the additional gear needed with a raft, how to stay safe on the water, and much more.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 472 | Plan a Do-It-Yourself Fly-In Hunt in Alaska — The Experience Project
Join Steve and Mark on this podcast episode of The Experience Project as they speak with their pilot, Nick from Nick's Air Service, for their upcoming Caribou Hunt in Alaska. They discuss how to plan a fly-in hunt, how to find a pilot, how to pack for the hunt, what to know about weight limits, and much more...

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