Hunt Backcountry Podcast Archive — Muzzleloader
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 441 | New Mexico Game & Fish (Your Questions, Misconceptions, and More...)
If you are interested in hunting big game in New Mexico, this episode is for you. We speak with the NM Department of Game & Fish to understand how their application process works, and also answer your listener-submitted questions about their point system, updates on game populations, changes in regulations, and more.
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 392 | Solo Elk Success at 60 Years Old (A Listener Story)
At just 60-years-young, Curtis continues to hunt hard. He joins us to share the story and lessons learned from his 2022 muzzleloader elk hunt. We discuss why he continues to hunt solo, how he trains to hunt the backcountry in his 60s, simple ways he tracks and patterns elk when they are tough to find, and much more...
Hunt Backcountry Podcast 258 | Hunting with Muzzleloaders — How and Why to Get Started
Why you should consider hunting with a muzzleloader...and how to get started. In the episode with John McAdams from the Big Game Hunting Blog, we talk about the knowledge and gear needed to get started hunting with a muzzleloader.

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